Our week

We have had another lovely week in class this week.

On Monday Year One enjoyed guessing what our new topic in Geography is. We looked at different clues and discovered that we will be learning all about London. The children already knew lots about the different things you see in the city. Well done.

We are all enjoying our new Music topic, we are working hard in two groups to sing our song, ‘Your Imagination’.


In Literacy this week reception children went on a word hunt! We then had a go at sounding out the words and writing them onto leaves for the dinosaurs.

Reception children enjoyed using cotton buds to make dinosaur pictures. 

On Friday as part of our Science/Understanding the world we talked about why it is important to wash our hands. We did an experiment to see how soap gets rid of nasty germs. We then made hand washing posters which we are going to put up around school.

Finally we enjoyed our visit from Booka Bookshop. We looked through lots of different books and talked about the ones that we liked and why. Thank you Booka. We will enjoy reading the stories you have left us in class over the next week.

Well done everyone for another great week.