Thursday 14th January – Earls Hill Sawns (Year 1) Maths

Sing these songs first and join in with the actions to warm up. I think you will be getting really good at counting in 10s now!

Using the 10s number cards from your pack (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100) challenge your child to place them in the correct order. You could play the game I demonstrated yesterday and turn one of the cards over so it is face down. Can your child work out which number card is turned over?

Yesterday we learned about 1 more and 1 less using numbers. Tell your grown ups the answer to these questions.

  1. What is 1 more than 12?
  2. What is 1 less than 6?
  3. What is 1 more than 17?
  4. What is 1 less than 10?

Tricky Ones!!!

  1. What is 1 more than 23?
  2. What is 1 less than 26?

Well Done!

Today we are going to comparing groups of objects. Here is a video for you to watch.


Use the tens frames and counters from your resource pack.

Ask your child to compete question 4 from the accompanying sheet (shown below) practically.



For the first part of question 4 (question a) ask your child to put counters onto two tens frames.

The first tens frame needs a greater amount of counters than the second tens frame.
If your child puts 7 counters on the first tens frame, the second tens frame would need a number of counters that is less than 7, for example 3 counters.

Ask your child to say the sentences, which in the case if the example above would be “7 is greater than 3”.

Ask them to put counters on the tens frames to make the rest of the statements on the sheet correct.

Here is the sheet to accompany the video. If you cannot print it off, read the questions and ask your child to write the answers on some paper.