Thursday 21st January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Start by using the hundred square and counters from your resource pack. Say a number for your child to find and cover with a counter as quickly as they can.

Now watch this song again.  

Now please watch the following video. It is teaching you how to order groups of objects.

Here is the worksheet to accompany the video.

Grown ups – Please cut a piece of paper into 10 pieces. Draw 1 – 10 spots on each piece of paper, a bit like this.

Give your child about 6 of the pieces of paper and ask them to order them from smallest to greatest. Repeat the activity with different spotty cards and ask your child to order the cards from greatest to smallest.

Look at the following questions and discuss them with your child.

Here is a link to a game where your child has to identify which picture has more or fewer objects in it.

Please can you log on to Numbots today and collect more coins.