Thursday 25th February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Good morning everyone. Well done with your work yesterday, you all sound very well prepared for a trip to the South Pole!

Image result for south pole

Today we are going to think about something new in the story. Here is the story if you need reminding.

In the story the waves are described as being ‘as big as mountains.’

Can you say that? “As big as mountains”.

Mountains are very big aren’t they?!

When something is described as being ‘as’ or ‘like’ something else, it is called a simile.

We  use a simile when we are saying that something is like something else.

Here are some examples to explain this idea.

  • If a little boy does not say very much, he is a quiet boy. We might say, ‘the boy was as quiet as a mouse’.
  • Some cars are really fast, especially racing cars! We might say, ‘the car was as fast as a cheetah.’ 

Using similes  in your work can make your speaking and writing more interesting.

Here is a video I have made with my friend Monkey, explaining a little more about similes.

Today I would like you to have a go at writing some similes. Can you finish saying and then write out this sentence that I have started for you?

The plane was as loud as a…………

The girl was strong like ……..

Now try writing some sentences of your own, using these pictures:

Remember your capital letter, full stops and finger spaces. Once you have finished, send me a picture of your work on Dojo.

After you have written your sentences, have a go at this game.

Ask your grownup to select ‘Phase 3 ch, sh, th, ng’ and see how many words you can read. See if you can beat your high score!

Once you have played that game, ask your grownup to select ‘Phase 3 ccvc/cvcc words’ and have a go at that level too.

Can you read a Big Club book today too please.

Well done everyone, you are working really hard.