Thursday 28th January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Today we are continuing to learn about 2D shapes. Please follow this link to the BBC Bitesize maths page to learn more. I’d like your child to watch the videos, play the games and then test their knowledge on the quiz at the end of the page.,%2C%20pentagons%2C%20hexagons%20and%20octagons!

Please cut up a cereal box into different 2D shapes for your child. They will need a variety of squares, rectangles, triangles and circles. They do not need to be the same size or the same type of triangle.

Ask your child to sort the shapes and explain to you why they have chosen to sort them that way. Can they sort the shapes in a different way?

Challenge your child to use the 2D shapes to make a picture. I’d love to see photos on dojo showing sorted shapes and shape pictures.