Tuesday 23rd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Hello everyone!

Well done writing sentences about lost things yesterday. They were very interesting to read.

Today we are going to look at a different part of the story. Here is the whole story to remind yourself:

In the story, the little boy could not sleep. This was because he was very disappointed that he did not know how to help the penguin.

Have you ever had trouble getting to sleep? What do you do when you cannot sleep?

When I cannot sleep, I sometimes drink some milk.

Other times I read my book for a while.

Today I would like you to talk to your grown up about things you can do to help when you cannot sleep. Perhaps you could talk to them and feed your worry monster if it is worries keeping you awake. Perhaps you could share a cosy story, listen to some relaxing music or even try counting sheep!

Image result for counting sheep


Please write about what you do when you cannot sleep. Once you have written some sentences to tell me what you do, you can draw a picture to go with your writing.

Please remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Sound out your words and write as many sounds as you can. Remember to spell red tricky words correctly. Use your word and letter mats to help you.

Here is my work. Look how I have remembered my capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. All of my words are sitting on the line, and my letters are facing in the right direction. I have tried really hard to make my handwriting beautiful. I think your work will be even better than mine!

After you have done your work today, please could you practise reading and writing out your red tricky words. I think you must be getting really good at them now!

If you struggle to fall asleep, here is some relaxing music that might help you:


Image result for bed time story

Some people enjoy reading a story before bed.

Can you find a story to read with your grown up before you go to sleep?

You could choose one of your favourite story books or here are some websites that you can click on and read ebooks for free:


