Tuesday 23rd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Good Morning!

Lets warm up by counting in tens to 100.

Can you order your tens cards to 100?

Now circle all the tens numbers on your hundred square.

The Noble Collection Hedwig 29cm Plush

Now we are going to say hello to Hedwig again and watch another Oak National Academy Maths video. Today you will be learning about identifying 10 and counting on to find numbers to 20. Here is the link to the video.


You will need these independent tasks on this sheet to complete during the video.

worksheet 2

Pause the video when directed, complete all 3 tasks and then continue the video to check your answers. If you cannot print the sheet, copy it for your child. You do not need to draw the same objects as on the sheet, again drawing dots will be fine.

Please ensure the number of dots is the same as the pictures in the questions so that your child can work out the answers accurately. For example, draw 11 dots for independent task 1, instead of 11 apples. Draw 14 dots for the second task, instead of drawing 14 yoghurts!

There is a quiz to complete at the end of the video.

Now complete this practical activity with your grown up.

You will need your tens frames and counters. Ask your grown up to put a number of counters onto the tens frames. They can choose any number between 10 and 20.

Can you count how many there are? You do not need to start from one, as if your tens frame is full you know there are 10. So, count on from 10.

Here is an example. 17 counters have been put onto the tens frame. It looks like this.

I know the first tens frame is a 10 as there are no gaps, so I will put ten in my head and count on to find the answer, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17

Now write out the number sentence 10 +  7 = 17.

Repeat the activity at least 5 times.