Tuesday 2nd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths


Good morning Swans! Today we are going to carry on looking at adding. Do you know what the symbol for adding is? Can you write the symbol? Here is mine.

Watch this video to remind yourself what we worked on yesterday.


For this next video, you may want to use your tens frame and your number line from your resource pack to help you.



Now try the first part of this worksheet.



Now see if you can work out the answer to the number sentences I have written down.

Can you work out what needs to go in the purple box?

Yes, it’s 8!

Because 12 + 8 equals 20, and 8 + 12 equals 20.

12 + 8 = 20

8 + 12 = 20

Well done. Let’s try another.


This time the answer is going to be 18.



What number needs to go in the purple box this time?


That’s right! 3 is going to go in the purple box this time because 15 + 3 equals 18 and 3 + 15 equals 18.

15 + 3 = 18

3 + 15 = 18


Well done Swans, you worked really hard today.