Wednesday 20th January – Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is our story again for you to watch.

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well.

I really enjoyed learning about all your favourite places yesterday! Thanks to those who sent in pictures of their work.

Today, have a look at this picture from the book:



The little girl and the man are putting their favourite things on the shelves. They have lots of favourite things! Today we are going to think about our favourite things.

I would like you to write a list of some of your favourite things.

The list may include your favourite teddy bear:

Or perhaps your favourite bike?


Or maybe it will include your pet!

Perhaps a favourite food?


See if you can think of 6 things to add to your list. Try to write the words and include a picture. Tell your grown up about your favourite things. Do they have any favourite things?

Here is a song all about favourite things – you  might like to try and sing along!

Please read a Bug Club and practise your spelling words today.