Wednesday 24th February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Hello everyone.

Well done on your work yesterday. I may use some of your tips to help me get to sleep! They were such great ideas!

Today we are going to look at another part of the story. Here is the full story to remind you:


In the story, the boy and the penguin travel to the South Pole.

They pack everything they need, and take it on their boat.

Today I would like to you think of what you would need if you were going to the South Pole.

The South Pole is covered in ice – it is very cold. Here is a video clip all about the South Pole.

Think about what you would need to take with you to the South Pole and why you would need it.

Here is my bag for the South Pole. Tell your grown up what I have packed. Use the conjunction ‘because’ to explain why I have packed these things.

Can you pack your own bag or draw a picture of what you would put in your bag, if you were travelling to the South Pole?

Please use the conjunction ‘becauseto explain why you would take those items.

For example, ‘I would take some gloves because my hands might get cold.’

Or ‘I will take some snacks because I might get hungry.’

Write a list, using the conjunction ‘because’ to explain why you have chosen to pack those items in your bag.

Send me some pictures of your work on Dojo.

Try this game to do with packing with your grownup.

Start with the sentence “When I went to the South Pole, I packed…” and start with one item, like this: “When I went to the South Pole, I packed a scarf.”

Then it is your grownup’s turn, and they must add an item to your list. They might say, “When I went to the South Pole, I packed a scarf and a hat.”

Then it is your turn again. You might say, “When I went to the South Pole, I packed a scarf, a hat and some shoes.”

Keep adding more items to your list until one of you forgets something on the list! How many can you remember?

Please also read a Bug Club book to your grown up, Miss Jones and I are really impressed with your reading so far. Well done everyone!