Wednesday 24th February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths.

We are going to warm up using some big numbers in this song today!

Start by playing a jumping game with your grown up.

Place all your cards from 1 – 20 in order on the floor.  How fast can you get them in the right order? Space them out a bit so you have some space in between each number.

Stand at number 1. Ask your grown up to say a number, jump along the number line  saying the numbers as you go. Stop when you get to the number your grown up said.

Repeat a few times.

Image result for child jumping along a number line

Now gather up all your number cards to 20. Get your number line from your resource pack. Pick a number card, find the number on your number line and draw a circle around it.


Now you are going to join Hedwig to watch another Oak National Academy Maths video.

Today you are going to be looking at number lines and where numbers to 20 fit on a number line.

You will need some paper and a pencil to join in with the activity.

There is a quiz to do at the end of the video.

Here is the link to an interactive game, so you can practise filling in the missing numbers on a number line.