Wednesday 3rd March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Hello Swans, how are you all today?

Let’s start by singing this song and moving along with the actions.

Today we are going to be looking at number patterns, adding and subtracting. Before we watch the video, let’s see if you can fill out the missing numbers on the superhero worksheet. If you cannot print it, ask your grown – ups to copy the numbers that are on the paper.


Now we are going to watch an Oak National Academy video.


You will need a pen and pencil for today’s video.

Pause the video when it mentions the star words. Make sure you understand what they mean.

Sometimes the video is a little fast. If you need to, pause the video to think about the answer before carrying on. Here is the video:

Pause the video to complete the independent task. Here is the worksheet. If you cannot print it out, ask your grownup to write on the numbers that are already in the sacks – they do not need to draw out each little person!

Be careful with this worksheet, the numbers do not always increase by one each time. Once you have completed the worksheet, continue with the video to see if you got it right.

Now see if you can complete these worksheets. If you cannot print them out, have your number line in front of you and ask your grownup to read out the question – work it out on the number line and then tell them the answers. Be careful, read or listen to the question carefully, sometimes the number is 1 more than, and sometimes it is 2 more than.