Wednesday Home Learning

Good Morning!

Today I thought I’d set something a little different. We have been learning all about plants in our Science and Knowledge and Understanding of the world. So today I would love for you to draw me a diagram of a plant.

You need to include:

  1. roots
  2. stem
  3. flower
  4. leaves

As a cheeky challenge, could you craft your diagram with other materials? If you have a garden you could have a go at pulling up a dandelion/daisy, and building it with labels on the ground. If you can’t get outside, try using bits of card or string and recreating a flower. The most important part is the labels!

If you want to extend the learning further, you could do some research together into what each part of the flower does! For example, why do we need roots? I’d love to see all the amazing creations! Send them to me at

See if your children can remember our seed dance! We started as a ball on the floor and slowly grew into a beautiful flower.

Don’t forget to go on Mathletics for your Maths tasks!

Have fun!