Our first week in Ercall!

I hope everyone had a lovely week last week – it was certainly busy! We started a new PE unit on tag rugby, read the start of our English book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne, and learnt how to say ‘I am’ in French!

This week we will be practising Mamma Mia in music, finding about countries across the world in Geography and learning about the creation story in RE. Spelling tests will be carried out on Monday and please ensure homework is returned on Friday (either a book review or times table sheet). If you are having any trouble with homework, I am more than happy to help during a break time, just let me know. PE days are still Monday and Wednesday, however please ensure PE kit is kept in school encase this changes due to the weather.

Our  curriculum map and newsletter can now be found on our class page, offering some more information about what we will be studying this half term 😊

Our star of the week was Konrad who has come back to school with a very grown up and mature attitude – well done Konrad ⭐️

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is feeling refreshed ready for the week!

Miss Roberts