Our week in Ercall

We’ve had another lovely week in Ercall, we’ve practised our passes in tag rugby, learnt about particles in science and researched gorillas in English 😃

Our star of the week is Gwen, who is always ready to learn and shows such care and attention to all her work. Well done Gwen 🌟

Next week we will be learning about different countries in Europe for Geography, practising times tables in maths and learning how to play to glockenspiels  to mamma Mia in music 🎵

Homework this week is a times table sheet and should be returned next Friday.

In Year 4 there is a national multiplication check. This takes place during June and is an online check consisting of 25 questions with children having 6 seconds to answer, testing all times tables up to 12. Whilst children may know times tables in order, this check will not test them in order, so they need to be able to develop their fluency and confidence to prepare for this.

We aim to practice this using soundcheck on TTRockstars, which can be accessed at home (the link can also be found below). You can also practice individual times tables. Login information can be found at the front of reading records. Whilst there is no official pass mark, learning times tables is an important part of mathematical knowledge.


Spellings will be tested on Monday and new ones given out for the following Monday.

This Friday everyone received an accelerated reader book, which can be identified by a coloured band on the side of it. We have also wrote reading ages and the colour band book they should be reading inside of reading records. Please ensure older siblings/ an adult is listening to your child read 3X a week and making a small note of the book title, page number and comment on how they have read in reading records. When they have finished their book they will take a quiz on accelerated reader in school. This assesses if they have understood what they have read and calculates how many words they have read too. Once they have taken this quiz, they will be given a new accelerated reader book.

The children will also have a reading for pleasure book. This is a book they are welcome to read, but their accelerated reader book is the one which should be recorded in reading records and read 3X a week.

pantomine letters were sent home on Thursday, please let me know if you need another. It is payable in weekly instalments, but please see the office staff about this.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts