The start to spring term

What a busy start to term we have had! We’ve began our new art unit on gestural drawing, our multiplication and division in maths, and our new book ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and class novel ‘Iron Man’.  😅

Our Star of the week this week is Ollie, who has been scoring 25/25 on his TTRockstars soundcheck. Well done Ollie, all the hard work is paying off ⭐️

Our new value this term is Perseverance. If you would like to send any pictures of an achievement or your child preservering in an activity, please do dojo me so they can be put on the school display🙂

Our homework this week is times tables and we have a spelling test Monday the 16th January .

Next week, we will be practising how to use use charcoal in Art, learning about subheadings in English and passes in football for PE.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter