This week in Ercall

This week has a been a busy one in Ercall! We have finished our perimeter unit in maths, started our new ‘Journey’ book in English, and held trials for our sports tournament! Whilst the rain stopped us from celebrating outside we still had lots of fun singing Mamma Mia 😊

A big well done to our star of the week, Ollie, who has been working very hard on his handwriting and been a great role model for the other children on the playground. Well done Ollie ⭐️

Well done the all the children who received a reading certificate or trophy this week too! Keep it up 📚

Next week we will be  moving onto our fraction unit in maths, using sound in scratch during computing, and begin creating a character model in art 🖼

Homework this week is to write a paragraph  for a diary entry for one day, covering what has happened and their feelings.

We hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter