This week in Ercall

This week has certainly be full of fun and sun in Ercall! We have made templates in DT, caught with accuracy in PE, and wrote a diary entry in English 😊

Our star of the week was Paula for her growth in confidence and impressive effort in Swimming! Well done Paula 🌟

Another well done it the Year 4’s for completing their multiplication check. You have all earned a well deserved rest!

Next week we will be learning about how a steam engine works in History, having our last swimming lesson and practising for sports day. On Wednesday we will visit the art gallery too 😀 


Homework this week is to create a project on the railways during the industrial revolution. It can range from a model to a poster, whatever captures the children attention. Please see me if you are having any difficulties with this as I am more than happy to help during break or dinner times😊

I hope everyone enjoys the sun,


Miss RobertsÂ