Home Learning for Ercall

Hello and welcome back to the summer term. I hope you have all had a great break and are ready to start the new term of online learning.
Well done to those of you who went on Mathletics over the break, some of your scores were huge!! I’ll announce the winners later.
I have attached a weekly timetable. I hope it works! I thought I’d do things slightly to be done in the exact order (or at all if things are tough) they are just guidelines for you.
The maths for year 3 and 4 is different so make sure you click on the correct link 🙂
Lots of the other other teachers are posting some fabulous activities on the website so please make sure you check that out too.
Also, have you seen my challenge? I’d love you and your siblings to record the actions for My Lighthouse. I am then going to create a video with everyone on. Please send it via facebook messenger to Mrs Mcculloch and she will save them for me!
I hope you and your families are well and safe. Please let me know if you want any paper copies and I will get them to you asap.
Hope you have a great day,
Mrs P 🙂

wb 20.4.20

http://wb 20.4.20