Our week in Ercall

Wow, what a busy week! This week we have had a go on TTRockstars in maths, visited the library and learnt about where the Rainforests are in Geography among lots of other activities.

Please note that our PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure PE kit is in school for both days if it is not already🙂

Homework books were given out today with a piece of homework inside. Please ensure this is completed to avoid doing it in Golden time. If anyone has any problems or needs some help please don’t hesitate to let me know and I can arrange a time to complete it with the children. It is a reading comprehension for most of the class, so reading the information, highlighting any key words in the question and then re-scanning the text to look for such key words can help😊

Our star of the week was Summer, who is a brilliant role model and completed a fantastic piece of work in RE. Well done Summer ⭐️

Next week we will finish making our collages in Art, look at classification keys in Science and have our first session of PE with the wright way on Tuesday 🏃‍♂️

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and well deserved rest after our first full week back! See you Tuesday

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter