Science bubbles

Good morning Ercall, I hope you are all well. Today I’d like you to continue with the maths and English tasks and any fun bubble activities you can see. I will attach some bubble ideas 🙂
Questions to prompt children to explore/ experiment with bubbles:
Can you make bubbles just with water? Do bubbles last longer in the shade or in the sun? On a dry surface or a wet surface? Do bubbles make shadows? What colours can you see in a bubble? Can you make a pointy bubble or a cube-shaped bubble? Can bubbles go underwater? Are smaller bubbles always stronger than bigger bubbles? Could a person float inside a bubble? Why/ why not?
Can you catch a bubble?
Make the bubbles. How long can you keep the bubble up?
Does it matter about the size?
Can you from you new investigation?
Investigating bubble snakes.
How long can you make your snakes.?
Does it make a difference with the size of the bottle?
Does it make a difference with the shape of the bottle?

Have fun!