The first week back!

What a first week!

Our first week back in Ercall has been a lovely one. We have began practicing our times tables in maths, started our new English unit and book ‘Seal Surfer’ by Michael Foreman, and started looking at the rainforest in Geography among many other activities.

Please note, that we will be doing a PE lesson on Monday so please ensure PE kits are sent in and long hair is tied up.

Next week we will be starting our place value unit in maths, alongside our Science (all living things and their habitats) and learning some French as well. We will also have some spellings and homework sent home next Friday, which will be uploaded to our class page.

I am so impressed by the children’s effort this week – they have all worked so hard and shown fantastic behaviour across the school. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and will see everyone on Monday. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to pop me a message on dojo!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter