This week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we have made a simple circuit in science, practised a canon in PE, and practised using the glockenspiels in music.

The science competition was judged by school council, and Odin won out of our class! Well done Odin, enjoy your sweets! 🍬 A big well done to our star of the week too! ⭐️ Some of us received our bikeability awards, congratulations! 🚲 Don’t worry if you haven’t had yours yet, as there are still more to be awarded.

Next week, we will be learning how to use column addition in maths, playing a rugby tournament in PE and learning more about a baptism in RE.

Please see the link below if you would like to see if a book is on accelerated reader:

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter