This week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we have made our torches in DT, had Christmas dinner together and learnt how to dodge in PE😊

Demi received value champion for this term (trust) as Demi can always be trusted to make the right choice and even encourages others to trust in their selves ✅ well done Demi! ✨

Next week we will be finishing an independent write, creating our Christmas cards and completing a hot task in maths on our addition and subtraction unit📚

We have carols around the tree for ks2 on Wednesday straight after school and the church on Thursday morning.

Please also note that Next Friday morning the Year 4’s will be going to watch Polar Express. It is a free event and we will be getting a coach, but please do ensure children are wearing sensible shoes and a waterproof coat.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter