Phonics Information Meeting

‘Would you like to learn more about how Phonics is taught at Holy Trinity?

You are invited to attend a PHONICS information session at one of the following times:

Monday 23rd October at 9.00am or 3.30pm

In the morning session we will watch a ‘Speed sounds’ session with the children, there will an opportunity after this to ask any questions you may have. This session will take place at 9.00am.  A 3.30pm session is also available where we will watch a video. The purpose of this meeting is to show you how phonics is taught at Holy Trinity and to show you how you could support your child at home.

Children’s Mental Heath Week

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 will take place from 6-12 February 2023. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect.


Longmynd and Caradoc Class – Greek Day

Dear Caradoc parents,

To support our topic of ‘The Ancient Greece’, we are planning an exciting and educational ‘Greek Day’ Monday 7th June 2021.  This will be after the Half Term week off – the first day back.

Greek Day

The children will participate in a variety of activities throughout the day, comprising of:

  • Greek dancing
  • Making Greek food
  • Food tasting
  • Wine Making or Grape juice (squashing grapes)
  • Douris- an ancient Athenian red-figure vase-painter and potter active c. 500 to 460 BCE – Printing

We would like to provide the children with the opportunity to taste a range of Greek foods such as: Olives, Feta cheese(dairy free alternative) and Pitta bread. As part of the experience we would like the children to make a Greek salad and Moussaka, therefore we need a selection of fresh vegetables on the day. In order for us to provide these enriching activities we ask if you could provide a small donation of £1.50 This will go towards all food making and tasking, resources for the art project which will be available to take home.   We also ask if children can bring in a Tupperware tub with a sealed lid to take food home afterwards.


To add to the atmosphere and fun on the day, we ask all children to come dressed as a Greek character. There are lots of creative costume ideas on the internet so be creative and you have time to make or find an outfit.


We look forward to sharing our Greek experience with the children and thank you for your continued support.


Miss Wright and Mrs Lewis

Caradoc Class

Egyptian Day – Stiperstones and Hawkstone Class

This half term in Stiperstones, we have travelled back to Ancient Egyptian Times with our topic ‘Pharaohs’. For our Stunning Start we explored the process of mummification and mummified tomatoes. For our Marvellous Middle we went on a virtual tour of The British Museum.

Next week, our topic will be coming to an end, therefore for our Fantastic Finish we will be having an Egyptian Day.

On Thursday 27th May, the children can come to school dressed as an Ancient Egyptian/ Pharaoh. The day will involve us exploring the building of the pyramids, creating our own death masks and exploring Ancient Egyptian music.


Superhero Day – Clee and Earlshill Class

Clee and Earlshill Class will be having a superhero day on Friday 28th May as a fantastic finish to their topic.  Mrs Meddins would like the children to come school dressed as a superheroes.

Rainbow Day – Nursery

As part of the fantastic finish to their Rainbow topic, Nursery will be having a Rainbow day party on Thursday 27th May.  The children are invited to come to Nursery in rainbow coloured clothes.  They will be doing lots of Rainbow activities including eating rainbow foods.

School Class Photographs

Tempest school photographer will be in school on Wednesday 26th May taking whole class photographs.  Please make sure your child attends school in full school uniform – your child’s class teacher will inform you of any changes to PE lessons on this day.

Nursery will have an AM and PM photo taken.  If your child does not normally attend on a Wednedsay please speak to the Nursery staff who will make arrangements with you for your child to attend for their photograph only.

Castle Day

Dear Parents and Carers,

RE: Castle Day: Thursday, 27th May.

To celebrate the end of our topic this half term of Towers, Tunnels and Turrets, Wrekin and Lawley Class will be having a Fantastic Finish Castle Day.  Our day will consist of a range of fun activities, including making crowns, jester dancing and a castle banquet.

Children are invited to come to school dressed in castle themed clothes on Thursday, 27th May.  This can be a costume or children’s own clothes.  Please do not purchase new clothes, children can use their imagination with their outfit using clothes from home.

Thank you for your support, and if you have any questions, please do send a Class Dojo message.