Cookie Club

March 12, 2018 @ 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm

Dear Parents and Carers

Cookie Club

This is an invitation for all Year 6 children.  The aim of the club is to help your child/ren achieve their full potential in “The SATs” tests in May.  Your Son/Daughter will be expected to attend the “Cookie Club” which will begin on Monday 5th March after school, for seven weeks and will finish at 4.30pm each Monday.

The Year 6 staff and myself  will be working with children in small groups, this will enable the children to be further helped with their learning.  This is a fantastic opportunity for us to support the Year 6 children with their revision.  Staff will make the sessions as practical as possible and we will be using the new revision books that we have recently purchased for the children.

As the name suggests there will also be cookies for everybody to share whilst working if they would like to.

To help with organisation and placing children in groups we are asking that they commit to all of the sessions.  If we can help by looking after younger siblings in Key Stage 2 only please ask and we will arrange supervision for them.  If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to speak to myself or another member of Year 6 staff.