Holy Trinity’s Great Run

Dear Parent/Carer

Holy Trinity’s Great Run

On Friday 4th October, all children will be participating in ‘Holy Trinity’s Great Run’. As a school our challenge is to run the distance between Oswestry and London, which is 179 miles. This challenge is to promote a healthy lifestyle in the school, and gives the children a chance to demonstrate many of the school values such as: courage, bravery, resilience and service. KS2 will complete the challenge in the morning and KS1 in the afternoon.  Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school for this day.

Sponsorship forms are attached for the children, so you can sponsor them for this great challenge they are going to undertake. Any amount, can be given as a sponsor. Money raised will go towards funding new PE equipment and lunchtime activities for the school.  Please can all sponsor forms and money be returned to school by the 8th October please.

On Friday 11th October, a professional Great Britain athlete will be visiting the school. The athlete will be in talking to the children about the importance of having a healthy active lifestyle, that ‘hard work’ pays off and how to get into the Great British Athletic Team, if they one day want to be an athlete.

I do hope you can support your child in this great whole school activity.