Happy Monday!

Good morning Haughmond,

I hope you all have had a good weekend. The theme for home learning and in class learning is ‘The Olympics’ this week. The Olympics takes place every 4 years, this summer they were suppose to be taking place in Japan. Unfortunately, they are unable to take place this year, this changes the course of history, because it is disrupting the 4 year cycle. It is because of this disruption, we have chosen ‘The Olympics’ as our next theme to explore.

Below is today’s timetable of activities.

Todays maths focuses on two-step equations. Watch the video tutorial first, play the interactive game, then have a go at completing the worksheet.



The history of The Olympics 

Research the history of The Olympics. 

When was the first Olympic games held?

Who designed the Olympics Rings logo?

Has the 4 year cycle ever been broken before?

These are just a few questions you could research. Once you have researched The Olympic games, can you present your research in a fact file?


Food as Fuel:


Heart beaters:

Investigate how your heart rate changes depending on the exercise you are doing.



I hope you all have a good day.

Stay safe.