✨✨Star of the Week in Haughmond ✨✨

Star of the Week this week goes to Teddi – Teodora Stoyanova

Even though she still finds some aspects of English really difficult- you would not know by looking at her Topic work which is always beautifully presented. (As are all of her books) She always gives 100% to everything she does.

She is trying really hard with her maths and her written English work and we are so very proud of her.


Spelling Test Results 👏

Congratulations also goes to Ellis, Alex, Cameron, Teddi, Jessica T, Kenzie, Abby, Tyler, George, Alis, Carson, Roxanne, Kyle, William and Ivelina who all got full marks in their spelling test this week.


Miss Richards and I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all of the children back in school on Monday, ready for another week of wonderful learning!