❄🐧A Fantastic Frozen Kingdom Start in Haughmond 🐧❄

What a fantastic start to this half term. The children have come back so smart in their uniforms  and ready to learn. Behaviour and attitude to learning has once again been amazing. Nearly all children have read the book Holes which we studied in the first term and passed the test.

We have started our new topic on ‘Frozen Kingdoms’ and have talked about the polar regions and located them on a world map.  Next week we are going on a virtual Polar Expedition as part of our Stunning Start.

In English – we have started studying the book – The Wolf Wilder (which is our class book for this half term.) This week we have read the first three chapters and have focussed on rich vocabulary that will help us to write a diary entry for one of the main characters.

Our new topic in RE is Incarnation and this week we have been finding out about the Messiah.

Our PE day is still going to be on a Thursday. The children need to come dressed for PE on this day and make sure they have got a labelled water bottle.

Living Things and their Habitats is our new Science topic. We have been looking at the characteristics of living things and will be learning about animals habitats from our Frozen Kingdom topic.

Maths has been quite challenging- learning methods for long division and multiplication. But we are persevering and are almost there. The children need to keep practising these methods as they will be faced with these calculations in their SATS.

Miss Richards and I have been  so proud of you all Haughmond. Keep up the wonderful work and the fantastic attitude to learning with which you have showed us this week.