Friday 5th March – Last day of home – learning!

Hi Haughmond – you made it!!!! We are so proud of you all and all of your hard work. You have just been amazing!

This is hopefully the last day of home learning.


We are going to finish our book today! It is such an exciting ending. Hopefully you will be able to sit the test!

English Friday 5.3.21[1533]


Our live Zoom can continue

Topic: Statistics
Time: Mar 5, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 0442 2622
Passcode: Live

Aut5.7.2 – Read and interpret tables from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



In our story of Joseph – he dreamt of the stars, the moon and the sun bowing down before him.  Have you ever wondered how stars are formed? Follow the power point to find out about how a star is formed and it’s life cycle. Have fun creating your life cycle of a star.

Stars and their life cycles![1715]