Haughmond Home learning Thursday 21st October.

Hooray – we made it to the end of term!

Lets hope that next term is more healthy and COVID free!

For RE last week we were discussing Science and Christianity.

Could you please create a page that displays both beliefs with pictures.

At 11.00 today there is a live lesson from the Natural History Museum on Mary Anning and Fossils. This covers some of the work we have be doing this term.BBC_Teach_Natural_History_Museum_Live_Lesson-Mary_Anning_Reading_Comprehension_Ages_7-9_Questions_and_Answers


We have been designing our own Christmas cards at school. These are to be ordered when you come back into school. So if you would wish to do a Christmas order, please have your design ready to go straight onto the special card when you return.

Spellings for this week.


Have a great day and a super half term. Keep practising your reading, spellings and times tables.