On line learning – Here we go again!

Hi Everyone

Hope you are all feeling ok this morning.


Today is spelling day – I really do hope that you have learnt them this week, as last week was not good. Here are your last lot of spellings and I will test you on the first  Tuesday back.


If you were at school yesterday – you will have got to the part of the Easter story where Judas has betrayed Jesus and they are having their last supper together.

Today – I would like to go back to the playscript and write the chapter of the story where Jesus is captured by the soldiers.

Make sure you remember to include your cast members, narrator and dialogue. Add in actions and set the scene.  Easter story slides for each group


Today’s Maths sets you an Easter task on Adding and Subtracting. ordering of fractions.   Click on the link     – Fractions


It is such a beautiful day – why not get some fresh air and go on a lovely walk?


I have set some ICT control work on the 2 DO on Purple Mash

Have a great day