Our very busy week in Haughmond

What a very busy week we have had in Haughmond this week.

On Monday – we went hunting for different flowering plants and non flowering plants to classify in our science lessons. We learnt  that conifers reproduce with seeds and cones and often have needle shaped leaves. Many of us also learnt that mosses and ferns are non – flowering plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds.

We have also started our fabulous art work on The Hunters in the Snow by Pieter Bruegel.

We have developed so many art skills within this one piece. The children have been layering, and concentrating on perspective of winter trees.

What wonderful artists we have in our class. Look out for the finished pieces once they have been mounted next week.

This art work also links to our Topic – Frozen Kingdom and our Class Novel – Wolf Wilding. The children have also worked hard on writing the Non – Chronological texts on Wolves which I will also show you next week once we have all finally finished.