The last day is finally here! Design and Technology day!

We have made it Haughmond!!! A whole week off after today!


Today – we have set up the classroom as a cinema and are going to watch Wonder together. I hope you can too!

Lesson 5_Friday (1) Wonder pdf


Quite a few of you cracked the code and won a prize yesterday. Well done!

As it is Chinese New Year – here is your last chance to win a prize. Good luck! Get your answers to me before 2.00 and I will put them in Reception with your names on them. If not – they will be there for after half term.

Chinese New year Maths Activity

Design and Technology

This afternoon you have a choice of making lots of different things. In class we are doing some cross stich and are making a book mark. We have left you sewing kits in reception if you fancy doing one . Here is mine.

There are some cross stitch lessons on line.

Or perhaps – after all those cakes you have been making, you could try making some healthy snacks. Follow the link below.

As it’s Chinese New Year – you could make a fortune teller or a paper  Dragon



There are many more ideas on the timetable.

Have a great week off and take good care of yourselves.

Miss Richards and I miss you so much. xxx