Thursday 4th March – World Book Day!

Good Morning Everyone!

World Book Day is here and we are going to dedicate our afternoon activities to this special day.

Our first activity is to draw or take a selfie of your favourite World Book Day character.


We are almost at the end of this exciting book now.

Today – you are going to be looking at the vocabulary and ideas from the book to create a Haiku Poem. Follow the instructions carefully on the power point below.

English Thursday 4.3.21 [Autosaved][1534]

I look forward to reading your poems.


Topic: Statistics
Time: Mar 4, 2021 11:00 AM London

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Meeting ID: 923 2390 2685
Passcode: Live

Aut5.7.1 – Use line graphs to solve problems from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is your work sheet for today. Y5-Autumn-Block-3-WO3-Use-line-graphs-to-solve-problems-2019

World Book Day activities.

At 2.00 I am going to Zoom and share with you my favourite book. Hope you will join me. Here is your invite.

Topic: World Book Day
Time: Mar 4, 2021 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 6932 8342
Passcode: Books

As you saw on Miss Wright’s post – We are all studying the book – The Day the Crayons Quit.

However, in year 5 and 6 , we are doing a slight twist on the book.

The chairs in Stiperstones and Haughmond Class have quit! They have written letters to The Key Worker Children. Read the letters on the Power point  really carefully.

The Day the Chairs Quit

Some other activities you can do on World Book Day.



Have a great day and I really look forward to seeing you all in your costumes!