Tuesday 19th January – Spelling Day!

Good morning Everyone,

Hope you are all well. I enjoyed reading your fact files from yesterday.


Spelling day. Please get someone to test you on your spellings and send me your results.

Here are your new spellings – click on the blue link.


Here is your Power point. click the blue link.

Tuesday 19th January English lesson 


More work on multiplying fractions with fractions.

Aut6.11.4 – Multiply fractions by fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Worksheet for Maths – Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO11-Multiply-fractions-by-fractions-2019

Topic – Flooding – Press on the blue link below to find out more about flooding in the UK and around the world.

Tuesday 19.01.21 lesson Flooding around the world