Tuesday 23rd February – Haughmond Home Learning.

Good morning Everyone.

Today is spelling day. – Year6Spring1Week1LSCWC


I hope you all enjoyed chapter 1 – it is such an exciting story.

Lets find out what happens in Chapter 2 today!

English Tuesday 23.2.21[1375]

English Lesson 2 Worksheet[1370]


Your live lesson is at 11.00 am today link –

Topic: Decimals
Time: Feb 23, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 999 6057 2250
Passcode: Live

Spr6.2.2 – Divide decimals by integers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


History – linked to Joseph and the Ancient Egyptians

Today we are going back in time to the Ancient Egyptians and looking at the link in History to our topic yesterday of Joseph. We will find out today all about the different member of the Ancient Civilization

You will need to read through the power point and follow the instructions to each part of this lesson.

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian lesson-Social Hierachy

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian social pyramid[1299]

Tuesday Egyptian hierarchy cut outs 23.02.21

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian headdress template

I can’t wait to see your Egyptian Headdresses.

Have fun!