Tuesday 2nd February – Spelling Day

Good morning Everyone!

Hope you have been practising your spellings. Could someone test you on them and please send me your results.

Here are this week’s spellings. Year6Spring1Week5LSCWC


Today’s lesson teaches us all about Human Rights

We will be entering your work into our big PSHE folder at school.

Tuesday 2nd February English lesson


Here is your live Zoom link for today.

Annette Platt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Live Decimal lesson 2
Time: Feb 2, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 3949 1067
Passcode: Live

Hope the decimal lesson yesterday brought back last year’s learning. Watch the help video or join in with our live Zoom lesson.

Spr6.1.2 – Understand thousandths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is today’s worksheet.   Y5-Spring-Block-3-WO4-Understand-thousandths-2019


Continuing with our link to David and Goliath – today we are finding out how we should look after our bodies to ensure we are strong, fit and healthy.

Science David and Goliath – Healthy Eating 2.2.21

Have a great day today Haughmond. We miss you x