Tuesday 2nd March – Spelling Day!

Good morning Everyone

Hope you are all well.

We are going to have a slightly different day today. In school, we are having PE today instead of Thursday as it is World Book Day on Thursday.


Today we are going to look at our comprehension skills from Chapter 7 of Kensuke’s Kingdom

Listen to chapter 7 and work through the MUST SHOULD and COULD as best as you can.

English Tuesday 2.3.21


Spelling  Year6Spring2Week1LSCWC

Don’t forget to send in your results please.



We are starting a new topic this morning.     STATISTICS

Aut5.6.4 – Read and interpret line graphs from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Worksheet for today- Y5-Autumn-Block-3-WO1-Read-and-interpret-line-graphs-2019


Follow Mr Wright with his latest video.



I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash – The jumping monkey.

Have a great day!