Wednesday 24th February Haughmond Home learning.

Good morning Haughmond

Well done for all of your hard work yesterday. I was particularly impressed with your fraction work.

English Wednesday 24.2.21[1376]   

In today’s lesson you are going to learn more about the island that Michael reaches.

Use your knowledge of vocabulary in your writing today.




Your Zoom details

Topic: Decimals
Time: Feb 24, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 982 1632 5297
Passcode: Live

Spr6.2.3 – Division to solve problems from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



For today’s task, we would like you to create your own technicolour dream coat for one of Joseph’ brothers so that they no longer feel jealous of Joseph.

Wednesday colour art lesson 24.02.21[1288]

Wednesday Joseph coat template 24.02.21

I am looking forward to seeing your coat of many colours.

Have a great day!