Wednesday 31st March

Good Morning Haughmond

Well – I still don’t have very much voice – so I’m staying off Zoom and hopefully my voice will come back in time for a new term!


Today we are going to look at punctuation – including where to put a semicolon, hyphen and a dash.

First of all watch the two links on these puctuation marks and play the games – they will help you to understand. Then try and use the punctuation marks correctly in the passage.Grammar Printables Y6f – Semi-colons colons and dashes in clauses


I know how much you enjoyed these topical competitions last lock down so here is an Easter one to revise maths skills. As usual there will be a little prize for the correct answer when you come back.       Activity

Click on the activity link.








Obviously we cannot do practical science, but there is some good activities to revise on Purple Mash 2 DO’s

Have a great day today!