Wednesday 6th Jan Homelearning for Haughmond

Hi Everyone

Well – there were a few teething problems with Purple Mash yesterday. But eventually – the questions appeared. A few of you messaged to say that you enjoyed the chapter  of Ollie and the Great Stink and got all the questions correct.- Well done!

Some lovely work on the fact files of Queen Victoria.

We had lots of meeting yesterday to discuss home learning. I will be sending out a letter at the end of the week and video messaging you like I did during the last Lockdown. it just keeps us all in touch with one another.

I have put the spellings on here and your parents can test you on them next week. It would be lovely for you to send me a pic of your practice of these though during the week.

I would like you to complete 3 pages of your grammar book today. If you didn’t complete the quiz on Chapter one of Ollie and the Great Stink – then please complete as we will be onto the next chapter soon.


Aut6.10.2 – Add and subtract fractions (2) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is the worksheet – Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO5-Add-and-subtract-fractions-1-2019


I thought you could have a quick go at the  quiz for some of the spellings from last term first. The quiz is on the 2Do on Purple Mash. The spellings are in the link below. .Year6Spring1Week1LSCWC

Finally – I would like you to draw out your family tree as far back as you can go. Here is an example of one, but you can be as creative as you can and draw your own.

Family tree

Have a great day. I am always close to Dojo – so can help or answer any questions throughout the day.

Please don’t forget to upload your work. Just a quick photo will be fine.

Stay safe x