Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Please recap on Chapter 2 above. If you would like to read I have attached the document below:

Chapter 2 Iron man

Today you will be creating a story board based your character you created yesterday. As we have only read chapters 1 and 2 so far you can draw chapter 1 and chapter 2. However, no we will include your own character from now on. You need to have a think about what might happen in chapters 3-5 and finish the story board. You can think what will happen to the iron man, you can design your own story and outcome. Click image below to enlarge for the story board sheet. I have attached the document too.

Please see worksheet below.

Story Board IM

I have also included some examples of story boards for you to get an idea of what is  expected today Use 1 picture for each chapter and add a few words for each chapter.