Hawkstone class news

What a wonderful first week back. All children have settled into school with determination and a positive attitude.

We have started our new school units; in maths we are focusing on Place Value, English our focus is to write a recount diary based on the book ‘Queen of the Falls, for geography we are learning all about rainforests. One favourite so far is music and our topic is Mamma Mia.

All children have received a reading record and book matched to their reading ability, an individual times table to their own learning journey and homework is week is a reading comprehension- due in Friday.

To top of our fantastic week, we have the first star of the week 🌟 Toby 🌟  who has displayed the Christian value of perseverance through all the base line assessments, he has also been a positive role model for the younger children who have started in year 3.

We have also voted for our new class school councillors who will represent Hawkstone class in future school meetings, this year it’s Miguel and Teya -badges to follow

Well done all and have a lovely weekend, we are off school Monday due to the passing of the Queen.

Any questions please don’t hesitate ask, please send a message through dojo.