A busy week in Hawkstone Class

⭐️Well done to our star of the week Elsie for her fantastic team spirit in PE. A team player in all lessons.⭐️

In PE this week, we have been focusing on Roman Dance where we produced an attack and defence routine as well as a testudo formation.

This week in Science we have been looking at evaporation, for this we changed the temperature of the room to see if this had an effect on the amount of water.

For PSHE, we looked at healthy and unhealthy relationships discussing body language and where we might see this in daily life.

Our new history unit is about invaders and settlers and the Roman invasion. This week we looked at the key vocabulary and what date the Romans invaded Britain.

In RE, looked at All Saints Day and researched about different saints. As our academy trust is named ‘St Chad’s’ We researched all about him.

We have had a busy week and all children have produced work to be proud of – well done.