First week of Spring 2

Welcome back after half term.

Please check out the Hawkstone  Newsletter and  Curriculum map  to see what we are teaching this half term:

newsletter spring 2 final

curriculum map Hawkstone spring 2 final

The children have returned to school with a positive attitude to their learning.

Our star of the week was Fikayo who joined us after Christmas, she has settled well into Hawkstone class.

In our music unit this half term, we are learning the song ‘Lean on me’ by Bill Withers. For this the children took it in turns to sing the lines of the song.

Please look at our geography posters showing all the things we’ve learnt over the unit.

Well done to Abbi our worship leader who read the school pray out during worship this week.

We have been learning how to reflect on our work, for our art unit, we picked a piece of work we were proud off and a piece of work we could improve and how.

The children really enjoyed their visit to Oswestry Library where they were able to read a selection of books, look for the hidden dragons and create a book mark.