Hawkstone class

We are now settled into our new class, subjects have started and the children have already produced plenty of work to be proud of.

⭐️ Allan was our star of the week  last week where he displayed a fantastic attitude to learning and he was a superstar all week.  ⭐️

In maths, we have been using concrete resources to secure our knowledge of place value. The children have been understanding how many tens are in hundreds and how many hundreds and in thousands. We also used a part part while model to partition numbers and ordered numbers on a number line.

On focus in Hawkstone class is number formation. We will be sending formations home for a number of children to practice at home.

At Holy Trinity, we are fortunate to have a lovely well resourced library. We had a look at at the book and selected ones for our reading for pleasure afternoon.

The books below are the books we brought from home and shared our favourite books with the class, discussing the author and why we enjoy reading these books.