Hawkstone’s week

Our star of the week this week is Isla.

This week Isla has produced a wonderful piece of writing in English based on our class book ‘ Queen of the Falls’. Isla took all advice on board and created a detailed paragraph that included fronted adverbials and the correct use of commas.

This week has been another busy one. We have been to the forest areas in science identifying the minibeasts that live there, from this, we grouped them in a venn diagram


This was then followed by an editing session in English, where children learnt how to improve a piece of writing which then led them to edit their own work. Editing is a skill that takes time and all children were able to improve their work by identifying the correct punctuation to use, correcting and misspelt words, and including expanded noun phrases.

In Geography, we have been researching human life in a rainforest, one being the Kayapa Tribe. From the research, we will produce a comparison of their lives.


In PSHE this week we had a circle time session where we discussed the rights of a child, we were able to give our own opinions and share our beliefs.