Our week in Hawkstone Class

Well done to our star of the week Harry for his fantastic effort in all areas of the curriculum, and the maturity he displays when moving from subject and class. Well done.


This week in pe, we have been working on our passing skills. We have been using the inside of our foot to pass the ball.

In RE, our unit this half term is ‘festivals of light,’ this week we have been researching Diwali and how the festival is celebrated. We made Rangoli patterns, lotus flowers and firework pictures.


In DT, we have been looking at nets. We cut up nets, scored along the folds and assembled to create a 3D shape. We then compared them to the solids 3D shape to see if it was made correct.

Our music topic this half term is all about the Glokenspiel. We are refining our skills and learning how to play the different keys to different types of music.


There will be no star of the week this week due to the panto being in the hall, however we will continue the week after.

Thank you for your continued support in all areas of the curriculum in and out of the classroom.